At KHM (Academy of Media Arts Cologne), there will be an annual exhibition KHM Open from July 21st to 25th, 2021. Besides diploma exhibition and screening, there are interventions by...
2021年2月20日と21日に Processing Community Day Japan 2021 を開催しました。2019年と2020年は東京の名を冠して Yahoo! LODGE にて開催しましたが、今回はオンラインであるため日本のコミュニティ全体が参加できるようリブランディングしました。今回も運営の目線からイベントを振り返りたいと思います。
Processing Community Day Japan was held on February 20th and 21st, 2021. While the last 2 events (2019 and 2020) were named PCD Tokyo and held at Yahoo! LODGE in...
Tech is Nonbinary is an audiovisual dance performance. Starting from a blank editor, graphics and sound are coded in real-time by live-coding environments, with expressions of body movements. The artist...
I was invited to NODE20 in Frankfurt as the organizer of Choreographic Coding Lab Online (CCLOnline). As a background, I met Jeanne Vogt the director of the NODE festival 5...
NL_CL #2: Flesh took place on May 24th, 2020 by Instrument Inventors Initiative (iii). While originally planned at iii’s workspace in the Hague, we adapted an online streaming format to...
On May 9th, 2020, the global Processing community organized the second Processing Community Hangout. Disclaimer: this is not a comprehensive report; since I was largely involved in the organization of...
“NAILS | PIXELS | STIMMING” is a tapestry to represent the neurodiversity and personality of the artist. An MRI scan of the artist’s brain is analyzed by custom software made...
I organized PCD Tokyo on Feb 2, 2019 at Yahoo! LODGE together with Ayumu Nagamatsu and Yasuto Nakanishi. We had nearly 150 participants with 2 keynotes, 10 workshops and 16...
How can an algorithm disrupts the body? Or, how can a brain intervenes an algorithm? The project focuses on brain, body, geometry and algorithm from these two different aspects and...